Market Charts > Distributors > Adopt Films

Box Office History for Adopt Films

Ticket Sales and Market Share by Year

Note: Figures for 2024 are at an annualized rate.

Top-Grossing Movies 1995-2024, Adjusted for Ticket Price Inflation

Total GrossInflation-Adjusted
1 Omar Feb 21, 2014 Thriller/Suspense Not Rated $583,000 $769,239
2 Kis uykusu Dec 19, 2014 Drama Not Rated $165,520 $211,655
3 Bethlehem Mar 7, 2014 Thriller/Suspense Not Rated $127,115 $167,715
4 Violette Nov 29, 2013 Drama Not Rated $70,616 $93,592
5 Mighty Fine May 25, 2012 Drama R $27,900 $37,784
6 Victoria Oct 9, 2015 Thriller/Suspense Not Rated $6,971 $8,904
7 Tabu Dec 26, 2012 Drama Not Rated $0 $0
8 Cesare deve morire Feb 6, 2013 Drama Not Rated $0 $0
9 Matthew 18 Nov 14, 2014 Thriller/Suspense R $0 $0
10 Harry Dean Stanton: Partly Fiction Sep 13, 2013 Documentary Not Rated $0 $0
11 Effie Gray Apr 3, 2015 Drama PG-13 $0 $0
12 Nuit #1 Jul 27, 2012 Drama $0 $0
13 Ya Tayr El Tayer May 27, 2016 Drama Not Rated $0 $0
14 L'enfant d'en haut Oct 5, 2012 Drama $0 $0
15 The Ballad of Genesis and Lady Jaye Mar 8, 2012 Documentary $0 $0
16 Molly's Theory of Relativity Mar 1, 2013 Documentary Not Rated $0 $0
17 Barbara Dec 21, 2012 Drama PG-13 $0 $0
18 The Pickle Recipe Oct 21, 2016 Comedy PG-13 $0 $0
Complete List

Year by Year Market Share

YearMovies in
GrossTickets SoldInflation-
Top-Grossing MovieGross that Year
2012 1 0.00% $27,900 3,505 $37,784 Mighty Fine $27,900
2013 1 0.00% $65,635 8,073 $87,027 Violette $65,635
2014 3 0.01% $715,096 87,525 $943,520 Omar $583,000
2015 2 0.00% $172,491 20,460 $220,559 Kis uykusu $165,520

Upcoming Releases

Release DateMovie GenreDomestic
Box Office
to Date

Our Theatrical Market pages are based on the Domestic Theatrical Market performance only. The Domestic Market is defined as the North American movie territory (consisting of the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and Guam).

The yearly amounts on our Theatrical Market pages are based on box office years. Each box office year starts on the first Monday of the year, so the previous year ends on the Sunday before the first Monday. For example, the "2017 box office year" started on January 2, 2017 so the "2016 box office year" ended on Sunday, January 1, 2017.